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The worlds of Apple smartphone users and Android users have collided for the first time in the iPhone 15 series following a demand from the European Union. The latest iPhone will use USB-C charger ports as per the incorporated new design.

iPhone 15 series adopts disruptive Android European Union design demand/Nurphoto/Getty Images

Apple on Tuesday 12 September 2023 unveiled a new iPhone that will use USB-C charger ports in a spectacular online event watched by over 27 million people worldwide. Among the new developments is the USB-C charger port instead of Apple's own "Lightning" charger ports.

This follows a law passed by the European Union in June 2022 requiring all devices to be compatible with a USB Type-C charging port by late 2024. The Union argues that it will reduce electronic waste and save money for consumers.

Apple had contested the law as unnecessary.

Background of the law

"This new law will make the lives of European consumers easier and will be better for the environment," said Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovatchev, one of the negotiators, adding "It is time to put an end to the piles of cables that we all have in our drawers and save about 11,000 tons of electronic waste per year."

Thierry Breton, the EU's Commissioner for the Internal Market, celebrated the new rules as a win for consumers and an important step towards reducing e-waste saying, "a common charger" is also "common sense."

In light of the incorporated demands, Carolina Milanesi, an analyst with Creative Strategies told Reuters, "I was expecting Apple to try and spin the all USB-C decision in a certain way but they didn't they were very matter of fact in the way they talked about it." She said the shift "brought some differentiation to the iPhone Pro, because there's faster throughput for data transfer. That is going to be valuable for people" who use the device for professional photography.

What do we know about the iPhone 15?

"USB-C has become a universally accepted standard. So we're bringing USB-C to iPhone 15," said Kaiann Drance, Apple's Vice President of iPhone Marketing at a launch event.

The company also said that the iPhone 15 would have internal components that simplify repair and a new frame that allows the back glass to be easily replaced.

Last month, Apple said it was endorsing the passage of a California law that required tech producers to enable people to fix their devices without taking them back to companies.

Carbon footprint

The firm also announced that the iPhone 15 batteries would be made from 100% recycled cobalt and that it would no longer use leather in its product.

It added that a new watch will be its first carbon-neutral product. Apple says that it aims to be carbon-neutral by 2030, including in its supply chain.

The announcement comes after China imposed restrictions on the use of iPhones at government offices and state-backed entities.

iPhone 15 series adopts disruptive Android European Union design demand/Apple

Sales of iPhones, which account for nearly half of Apple's revenues, dropped 2.4% last quarter. Apple shares also slid on the stock market following Beijing's measures.

Apple still relies on the iPhone for more than half of its sales, but the global smartphone market has slumped from shipping 294.5 million total phones to 268 million in the second quarter. Apple's shipments declined the least of any major smartphone maker, dropping from 46.5 million phones to 45.3 million, according to data from Counterpoint Research.


However, the company is keeping prices steady.

Bob O'Donnell, head of TECHnalysis Research said the steady prices were a surprise.

"I think both Apple and the carriers recognize that with consumers feeling pressure on their budget and the lack of dramatic changes it's getting harder to convince people to upgrade. Keeping prices stable should help with that," he told Reuters.

The iPhone 15 costs $799, the iPhone 15 Plus starts at $899 and the Pro series starts at $999. The Pro Max starts at $1,199, the same price as last year for the same levels of storage. Last year, Apple offered a $1,099 iPhone Pro Max model with less memory.