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Health Benefits Of Drinking Okra Juice

Okra is a well known vegetable, which is grown and consumed in almost every part of the world. Commonly known as “Lady Finger”, okra is a nutritious and healthy vegetable. The taste of okra depends upon its preparation. Most people share a love hate relation with okra—you can love it or hate it, but cannot ignore it!

The okra belongs to the mallow family and is cultivated in warm and temperate climates. As a vegetable, it contains m

any vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the body. Not just as a vegetable, but you can get all its goodness from its juice too.

  Benefits Of Drinking Okra Juice:

1. Anemia:

A person suffering from anemia can derive the benefits of this vegetable from its juice. Okra juice helps the body produce more red blood cells, which helps to treat anemia. The juice of okra contains many vitamins and minerals. Some of them are Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, magnesium, etc., which help in producing more red blood cells in the body.

Sore Throat And Cough:

Okra juice is also used to treat sore throat and severe cough. A person suffering from sore throat and cough can consume okra juice. Its antibacterial and antiseptic properties will do their magic.

3. Diabetes:

Lady Finger contains insulin like properties, which are beneficial for the treatment of diabetes. Okra juice helps to reduce sugar levels in the blood. So, consume okra juice regularly to control diabetes.

4. Helps To Treat Diarrhea:

Diarrhea is one of the most irritating health conditions one can suffer from. It causes huge amount water and essential minerals loss from the body. The juice of okra is used in the treatment of diarrhea and it also helps to replenish the body.

5. Lowers Cholesterol Level:

The plant contains a lot of soluble fibers, which can help the body to lower the cholesterol level. The regular consumption of this juice can decrease the cholesterol level in the blood and protect your heart.

6. Provides Relief From Constipation:

The same soluble fiber, which can help to control the cholesterol levels in the blood, also helps to provide relief from constipation. Acting as a natural laxative, the fiber content in okra binds with the toxins and eases the bowel movements.

7. Helps In Improving Immune System:

The immune system helps the body fight against various heart diseases, stroke, cancer, cold and flu. Okra juice contains high amounts of Vitamin A and C and antioxidants, which help to improve the immunity power of a person.

8. Improves Skin Health:

Regular consumption of okra juice helps to improve the skin health. The antioxidants help to purify the blood and reduce acne and other skin diseases, which are caused by the impurities in the blood. A clearer skin equals a beautiful skin!

9. Reduces Asthma Attacks:

The juice of okra also reduces the chances of asthmatic attacks and is of great benefit for a person suffering from asthma.

10. Strengthens Bones:

This health benefit of okra juice helps to strengthen the bones. The folate offers great benefits during the pregnancy for both the mother and the child. It increases the density of the bones resulting in stronger and healthier bones, preventing osteoporosis.

As a vegetable, okra contains many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help the body, fight various diseases and improve its immunity. Due to its many characteristic features, it is one of the top vegetables that must be consumed on a regular basis. So start juicing those okras and enjoy a life of good health.

Wash 4 or 5 medium sized okra pods.


Clip both end off the pods, then split the pods in half or Pierce each side of the pods with a knife.   


Place the pods in a larger Mason jar ,then

 cover them with water.   


Soak the pods overnight at least eight hours ( up to 24hrs ).  


In the morning, squeeze the pods into the water to release any left over sap.     


Throw the pods away and drink the water.